Saturday, February 27, 2016

Andalucía y sus ríos

Geografía de Andalucía: el clima y el relieve.

Mapa de los ríos de Andalucía y mapa de sus vertientes.

   Localizar: actividad 1actividad 2actividad 3 y actividad 4.

¿Por qué el río Guadalquivir tiene ese nombre?: video.

El relieve andaluz

      Sierra Morena: video.
      Cordilleras Béticas: video.
      Formación del valle del Guadalquivir: video.

Mapa físicomapa del relieve  y  mapa del relieve 2 (continental y costero) andaluz.

Andalucía en 3D: video.

El relieve de Andalucía (información y actividades).

Sistemas montañosos:
      - Localiza: actividad 1actividad 2 y actividad 3.
      - Test.

Relieve y ríos: actividad 1.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Carolingian Art

Aachen Cathedral
Carolingian Art. More information about Carolingian Art: video 1 and video 2.
   Another piece of information related to Carolingian Art. Carolingian art: quick reference.

Carolingian architecture and art. More about Carolingian Art and architecture.

Charlemagne and Aachen.
      Aachen cathedral: video. More information about the Cathedral of Aachen.
            Palatine Chapel in Aachen (Germany): video.

Carolingian Manuscript Illumination.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Carolingian Empire

The Franks.
      The time line of the Franks.
Franks and Merovingians.
      Merovingian kings.
      Mayors of the Palace.
            Pepin the Short.
      The rise and fall of the Frankish Empire: video.
            The Frankish Empire.

Charlemagne. More information related to Charlemagne. Another piece of information about Charlemagne.
      Charlemagne and the Carolingian Empire: video.
      The Empire of Charlemagne (770-814): map.
            - Europe in 814: map.

Thursday, February 04, 2016

The United Kingdom political system
Who runs the UK?

Parliament and government: flash information.

The British Parliament
      An introduction to Parliament: video and flash information.
      What is the House of Lords?: video.
      What is the House of Commons?: video and flash information.
            MP For a Week game.

The British government
      How government works

Politics UK
      UK General Elections: activity 1, activity 2, activity 3 and activity 4.

The British Monarchy explained: video.